Setup setup should be easily accessible through the local website The setup instructions are very easy to follow and setup process is very simple. Follow the below steps for setup

  • Plug in your WiFi Extender into a power outlet and power on it.
  • Make sure your router is power on and the extender and router both are connected with each other.
  • The WiFi range Extender will automatically direct to local page. If not, you can manually enter into the location bar of your internet browser.
  • Now, it will ask you either to Register your Wifi range Extender or login to your netgear extender.
  • You can login if already registered. if new, register for setup.
  • Once you log in, follow the steps given over the page for new extender setup.
  • Click on the save settings button. Once saved, just unplug your extender and plug back again.